Self Hosting Blog

I think that a lot of markdown editors also understand HTML, so you can mix and match (and in some cases, you have to, as there’s no MD standard for underline). But I get what you’re saying - it is definitely a learned skill, just like any other formatting language.

Good luck with learning it! Eventually, I think, it will click for you one day and you’ll just use it subconsciously even in editors that don’t support markdown.

I think MD is what we would have had as the standard had Microsoft Word never come along with it’s bold, italics, and underline buttons and hotkeys. :wink:

That’s what happened with me. I use Obsidian and Zettlr daily for writing, planning & note-taking, and it definitely just sinks in — something about seeing the results rendered immediately, I think. Now, Markdown’s minimalism just really works for my brain.

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My mail server goal isn’t to have something welcomed by the world, but to give me a quiet hole for the “never used” backup email address.

I currently have public facing on Gmail and less public facing on Tuta, but both are out of my hands. Having an email of last resort seems like a good backup plan, but the setup seems to be intentionally obtuse.