Resources about languages

I thought I’d start a thread to collect resources people use to learn about languages (rather than learning a specific language). I’ll update this list as people add to the thread.

General Languages

  • LangFocus (YouTube channel, English)
    Short summaries of various languages, how they work, and how they differ from similar languages. (via @LevelUp)
  • NativLang (YouTube channel, English)
    Animated shorts discussing various topics about the world’s languages such as word order, alphabets, and sound shifts.
  • PBS Otherwords (YouTube playlist, English)
    A series of videos about the interplay between language and culture.


  • RobWords (YouTube channel, English)
    Short videos discussing the oddities of English, both past and present. Topics include idioms, pronunciation, word origins.
  • History of English Podcast (podcast, English)
    Discusses the development of English over time, beginning with Proto-Indo-European (PIE). This podcast focuses on the historical events that impacted the language but occasionally covers linguistics when necessary.

Spanish Languages (Español, Catalan and Basque)

  • Linguriosa (Youtube channel, Spanish with English subtitles)
    Discusses the different versions of Spanish of how they developed. (via @LevelUp)
  • Spanish by Fede (Youtube channel, Spanish with English subtitles)
    Videos about the nuances and idioms of different versions of Spanish and some of the history behind the language. (via @LevelUp)
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I don’t know a lot about linguistics or etymology but these are the two I currently watch that are not on the list.

General Languages:

  • Langfocus (Youtube Channel) - English
    Summaries about languages and how they work.

Spanish Languages (Español, Catalan and Basque):

  • Linguriosa (Youtube Channel) - Spanish with English Subtitles
    I’d say this is probably the best channel to learn about all of the different versions of Spanish of how things came to be.
  • Spanish by Fede (Youtube Channel) - Spanish with English Subtitles
    He teaches you something but also some of the history behind some things including the modern day and history of the past.

Copy paste for your list:

- [Langfocus]( (Youtube Channel) - English

- [Linguriosa]( (Youtube Channel) - Spanish with English Subtitles
- [Spanish by Fede](  (Youtube Channel) - Spanish with English Subtitles
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