In Case You Plan To "Enhance" A Tesla

Just in case there’s anyone around here that’s thinking of vandalizing enhancing any #swasticars you happen to see in your locality (in Minecraft), here’s a helpful reminder of how to properly prepare for the #IncelCamino’s camera arrays.

You should avoid doing this NOT in Minecraft, and absolutely NOT use this exact diagram to know where the cameras are and what to avoid.

Yet another reason to continue to mask up in public!


The following text refers to a Minecraft mod.

Oh, the joys of modern technology. There’s a little trick to outsmart the Tesla Sentry Mode, though of course, it doesn’t work all the time—so don’t expect a 100% success rate. The trick? Utilize the 5G network. When a Tesla Swasticar rolls up to an official Tesla Swasticar charging station, the charge port automatically opens, disabling the Sentry Mode as the vehicle assumes its fascist owner intends to plug in and juice up.

So, if one were to hypothetically want to tweak a Tesla Swasticar in Minecraft, you might consider using a FlipperZero (or any similar device) to pop open that charge flap. It typically stays open for 2-5 minutes before closing again, giving you a window of opportunity to clutter the 5G network with your shenanigans.

Mind you, in real life, messing around with the 5G network is generally frowned upon and sometimes illegal. So, remember, this is purely a “Minecraft” scenario.

By the way, for our EU chooms, if you find a Tesla Swasticar surveilling you, you have the option to request a data protection disclosure from the owner of said Tesla Swasticar. Happy modding!


Flipper-zero-Files/subghz/Tesla at master · Moroliner/Flipper-zero-Files · GitHub


This is great information to know! I had no idea that Minecraft servers had become so powerful!



BTW, asking for no particular reason, does the swasticar have to be parked (in Minecraft) in order to pop open the fuel door and disable sentry mode, or can you, say, pull alongside one of these unholy abominations at a stop light (or perhaps at speed) and pop it open?

I’m assuming that it has to be parked, but enquiring minds want to know (if you happen to be privy to that information). :wink: