Chinese internet giant Tencent announces global expansion plans for palm scan technology

Neo Dystopia is getting closer and closer :neutral_face:


Guess it all depends on who’s storing the data and what they’re going to use it for, and whether or not someone can request that it be deleted with reasonable certainty that it will be.

But how different is this from thumb or fingerprint readers? It seems like maybe a better version of that (no contact with a grungy device) and it’s a lot better than facial recognition since it’s not likely that your handprint could be read from just a video capture or by some camera. Seems like using the handprint would require some action on the part of the person as opposed to it just being a passive tracker.

I mean hey, at least they don’t require some sort of implant or something in order to use it. :slight_smile: But yeah, it’s just yet another way for nefarious actors to track us through the motions of our daily lives. Not great. :confused:

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