Put Ubuntu on my Nintendo Switch, and it runs the memory off of an SD card.
I started off wanting to hack it because I was bored of it and didn’t really care what would happen to it, but also wanted something that could replace something like a small laptop for short trips out of town, and for art projects, and a test bench for things I would use a Raspberry Pi to do.
I was also putting steam on it to play the low-spec games I wouldn’t normally play on my computer!
Agreed, this is pretty sweet! Do you use a keyboard attached to a docking station to work on it or does it have some sort of virtual keyboard like a phone?
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I just started using Barrier to share my keyboard and mouse from my desktop to it for doing stuff with it. On the go I’m using a wireless keyboard/trackpad combo like this

The only problem with this is that the buttons kinda suck to use for typing and kinda stick when using the spacebar,and it takes up the only USB input it has, so looking into a foldable bluetooth situation.
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This is an awesome project, thanks for sharing!
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Thanks! and no problem I figured y’all would be into this. Currently trying to stick shareboxx on it for some fun offline file sharing action. I posted that a bit ago I think in this same board
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